Sensory and behavior issues…

All human beings are not same. They vary in their perception and hence brain functioning. Children with SPD (sensory processing disorder) perceive the environment differently and hence they behave differently. It is not because they are bold, risk taker or absurd.  It is always important to understand the difference between the sensory and behavior issues. Since, their presentation overlap with each other, it is confusing and misleading.

Sensory issues are consistent in presentation than behavior issues.
For eg Naina bangs her head on the wall. If it would be a sensory issue the child may do it any time of the day without a reason but if it is a behavior issue the child may do once, many times or not at all in a day. The behavior may be because of not liking the food, cloth or toy.

Sensory issues are  not affected by someone’s presence. For eg Naina bangs her head anytime and even if someone is around it doesn’t bother her. But, for behavior issue it occurs only if someone is present (attention seeking behavior).

Many time  sensory issue can be self injurious but behavior issues are rarely. Nysa bangs her head very hard on the wall. She is least bothered with the pain. She has bruises over head but it does not stop her banging head. For behavior issue, the head banging would be less injurious as child is careful not to hurt himself.

Sensory issues need both behavior modification and sensory integration as treatment but behavior issues improve only with behavior modification. For eg…Nysa bangs head to crave movement or to stimulate the vestibular system. Giving lot of planned movement like swinging and up to down position will help her. This also needs telling her not to bang her head and giving her reward  if she does not do that. But, if it is behavior issue then finding the cause and diverting her attention to something interesting would decrease her undesirable behavior. This also needs reinforcement to encourage her.

About Neeti

Dr. Neeti is an Early Interventionist with over 5 years experience providing quality Occupational, speech therapy and sensory integration to children with Autism, Cerebral palsy, Down’s Syndrome and Sensory problems. She has a Post Graduation in Early Intervention. She had published many articles in newspapers and books regarding disability. She is currently self employed and a school therapist promoting inclusion for children with Disability. Sakshum (means 'Being Capable' in hindi) is a tender initiative for children with special needs to provide holistic treatment and integrate them into the main-stream. By 'special need' we mean to address all children who are diagnosed with disability (Cerebral Palsy, Autism, Down's Syndrome and other childhood disabilities) and "At risk" (Pre-term, behavior and emotional problems and lack of stimulation, which hampers their overall development). The goal is to provide early diagnosis and Early Intervention for children with special needs.
This entry was posted in ABA, ADHD, advocacy, autism, awareness, brain damage, cerebral palsy, child development, child disability, child education, developmental disability, developmental milestone, disability, Down's syndrome, early intervention, family support, finemotor control, flashcards, hand dominance, hyderabad, hypotonia, Learning disability, midline orientation, occupational therapy, oral issues, parenting tips, physiotherapy, play, red flag sign, sensory integration, special education, speech therapy, Therapy, treatment, vision therapy and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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